
Friday 19 September 2014

Crazy Days and sickness


This is just a quick note to let whoever may happen upon this blog that no, I did not die. my darling boys were messing around my laptop and broke the LED Screen, viruses and different sickness had visited my family and I have honestly be a bit discouraged and unmotivated to blog.

I pray all is well with you and your families. :) We are on the bend so for now I'll smile and move on.  Soon. We'll catch up again real soon.

Friday 18 July 2014


It’s Five Minute Friday where a community of women gather to write for 5 minutes on 1 word. No editing, rethinking, backtracking – just get it out and on the page. Today’s word is BLOOM. It isn't easy but it’s so much fun. Join us at

He came into my life when he was three.  His father and I were just friends then. But I know he was not your typical child.

When he was nine, I become his new mom.  And I am still his new mom, I guess. But we are blooming just as he is blooming.

Friday 11 July 2014

Five Minute Friday - BELONG

It’s Five Minute Friday where a community of women gather to write for 5 minutes on 1 word. No editing, rethinking, backtracking – just get it out and on the page. Today’s word is BELONG. It isn't easy but it’s so much fun. Join us at

How do I even begin? Where exactly do I truly belong? I'm Trinidadian born, schooled in St. Vincent, and now married in St. Vincent while all my maternal and paternal family is in Trinidad or Canada.

My husband has the answer.

Wednesday 9 July 2014

What this Nanny in Britain says...

I totally agree with the fact that our society is filled with a bunch of self absorbed, entitled children. Then I realize that I maybe contributing to it.

Wednesday 28 May 2014

Part 2. What my children are teaching me about being a wife.

As most people in my life know, I have added a girl to my two boys and my scale of the sexes is now, somewhat, balanced.  With all the time I've been having to observe my little madam and add my experience with her to those I have with the boys....I've discovered something about my self.  I want to be a better wife because of my children.

This is the second post that I am sharing about a share a few things I have observed and intend to pursue as a wife.

2.  Listening to my husband.

I am a chatterbox and struggle with being a good listener.

Monday 19 May 2014

What my children are teaching me about being a wife.

As most people in my life know, I have added a girl to my two boys and my scale of the sexes is now, somewhat, balanced.  With all the time I've been having to observe my little madam and add my experience with her to those I have with the boys....I've discovered something about my self.  I want to be a better wife because of my children.

In the next few posts, I'll share a few things I have observed and intend to pursue as a wife.

1. My husband needs me to be my best self.

Saturday 10 May 2014

Five Minute Friday - GRATEFUL

It’s Five Minute Friday where a community of women gather to write for 5 minutes on 1 word. No editing, rethinking, backtracking – just get it out and on the page. Today’s word is GRATEFUL. It isn't easy but it’s so much fun. Join us.      See


Gratefulness.  The constant 'thing' that is needed for a life of joy and contentment.  You can agree that almost ALL the things that we can complain about we can also give thanks for.

Saturday 3 May 2014

Five Minute Fridays - MESS

It’s Five Minute Friday where a community of women gather to write for 5 minutes on 1 word. No editing, rethinking, backtracking – just get it out and on the page. Today’s word is MESS. It isn't easy but it’s so much fun. Join us.


Messy, messy me who wish I was perfect.  Only to be confronted daily by the mess that is me and my only grace is my Saviour's grace towards me.

Friday 25 April 2014

Five Minute Friday - FRIEND


Sometimes you do not need to say a thing to that person...they just know. She knows how to let me cry, how to cry with me and how to get me out of the crying pit.

I so appreciate the example of community and true friendship that she is.

Friday 11 April 2014

Five Minute Fridays - PAINT


Before I saw the title for this week's challenge, I was thinking of paint.

Two weeks ago I was gifted with this little girl...who pushed out of me hard to breathe the breath of life that is God given.

Friday 4 April 2014

Five Minute Fridays - Writer


Writing by a writer is usually genius.

Writing by one who wants to write, hopes to write well and looks forward to writing all that is in her is, well, not so genius. But that does not mean that I have given up. There are closet comedians, and I am a closet writer.

Monday 24 March 2014

Potty training battles...

I apologize for the little stint off without notice - combining the final week of of employment before maternity leave, packing to travel, and cleaning out and reassessing certain possessions then settling in another country for about a quarter of a year leaves you a tad swamped.

But I have been engaged in mother-hood throughout so let me update you all on the latest on Caribbean Mommy-hood.

POTTY training my two year old boy. Need I say more? I will anyway.

I do enjoy being called a tiger mom (I have the stretch marks to prove support the title) but fighting  battling my son to use the potty or the toilet is a bit much, you know?

Friday 7 March 2014

Five Minute Friday - Willing


As related to choices we make, livesd we live, there must be something we a willing to do, willing to sacrifice.
Since the last Friday...with my committing to choose life full of positive thoughts...there was revealed to be a need to be willing to sacrifice on the alter of self, my wicked, unholy, unbibilical thoughts about

Friday 28 February 2014

Five Minute Fridays - CHOOSE

Start - 

Recently, I have been choosing. Choosing more of the bad than the good in my thoughts. Its frustrating. I was given the power to choose. I. Must. Choose. Well.

Friday 21 February 2014

Five minute Fridays - SMALL

Start -

The smallest seed - ever - is equal to just enough faith.  The smallest hands in the house with more than enough love.  That seed grows into a large tree.  That faith can see you through large challenges.  Those little hands give the perfect hugs.

Faith like a mustard seed...I pray for just that amount so that I can raise the little one to grow into an adult with a big heart and big faith in a mighty, BIG God.  SMALL faith is just enough to bring a miracle into being. A SMALL fertilized egg is just enough to bring the miracle of a growing child into being.

End (with multiple interruptions by that SMALL one.)

Link up at

Tuesday 18 February 2014

Part 2 - Mommy-hood fails

Like I said the last time, "Don't judge, pray."  I'm about to share the next five (5) fails I have been guilty of in this journey of mommy-hood so far.

Mommy-hood fail #6 - Do as I say, not as I do

The little one has a new "thing" to do - Caribbean people call is 'steupsing', others will say he "sucked his teeth at his mother."  Well son boy is 'steupsing' for everything. At himself, at his brother, at the TV, at me...come to think of it, I cannot say I've heard him 'steups' at his father, hmmm. I am to blame. I do it often, too often - in jest, in serious times and in frustration. He hears and repeats. I say,"Don't do that. Its not nice," and then I steups. SMH. Lord help me.

Friday 14 February 2014

Garden (Five Minute Fridays)


Start -

I have a garden...not one of flowers, plants or trees as yet. I need my own home and space for that.  But the garden I have is in the form of my family.  Green thumbs...I don't have. But I try mighty hard to water them with love, expose them to Son-shine and fertilize with grace and mercy.

If only I could remember that too much pruning could damage the plant.  I can over compensate in discipline all due to my own fears. But I remember almost all plants need watering every I love those boys of mine and this girl that is still covered in rich soil.  She will burst forth soon.

Making sure that Son-light and our Caribbean sunlight reaches them is important.  Teach them the Word, live for them the Word, love them by the Word and teach them to spread Son-light. These are the important things. For was wonderful growth ...for a growing garden...I plan to add to this garden. Grace and mercy fertilizing us all.

Heavenly Father, you love me enough to prune me in just the right way...thank you.

As inspired by -

Tuesday 11 February 2014

Mommy-hood Fails

Mommy-hood Fails
Lord, I have a tendency to over share (I think) but am going to share ten (10) fails of my time as a mommy. There are more than 10 if you ask my children, and I am sure I will continue to add to the number but as a friend used to say - "Don't judge, pray".

Mommy-hood fail #1 - Diaper Lost

One (or two) time(s), I let my child stay in the same disposable so long when I eventually checked it the padding was one soaking gel ball. Ok...this has happened more than twice but definitely less than ten. Good thing there were no #2s. #relief

Friday 7 February 2014

Steroids and a baby

Its so good to be able to say hello to you all and to be at home. :)  Get this, I was hospitalized for two days and injected with four doses of steroid for developing the lung function of my baby in case she comes early.

Now some of my family and friends had no idea I was in there and I will tell you this I had no idea why I was in there. Mild spotting, seven months along, initial check showed no signs for alarm, but the OBGYN consultant says "Check her in" and "medicate for four rounds of treatment of dexamethazone".

Tuesday 4 February 2014

My first born son turns two.

Today, the child that made me a mother turned two.

I have a two year old son.

I can barely believe it. Yet its hours of labour, a double dose of "inducing", a tangled umbilical cord and a short cry later, came "Tre".

He's a smart boy, with the flair for drama and provocation. He makes me laugh and has made me cry in frustration too. In the picture above, he has awakened to happy birthday and willing cheeses for the camera.

It is also this child that makes me so insecure

Friday 31 January 2014

Hero - Five minute Friday

Did you ever know you were my hero?

Its the question the song asks, about admiration that maybe was not expressed.  There are so many heroes that  I have to commend.  I can start and end with my mother...
She did it friends, she sacrificed, went alone, sacrificed some more.  She took three girls, to a foreign island, and then ended up on her own. She raised them in the so-called bad part of town and while it took something and a while for them to get it - my mother, my hero - has three daughters who love the Lord, did not get pregnant out of wedlock (thats a big thing in our family and community) and the youngest is about to get married soon. Did you ever know you were my hero, mom? Not my perfect example, but as I raise my children with a husband to support me, I hope I do as well as you. I love you Mom.

Thursday 30 January 2014

Mommy-hood for me

Mommy-hood is an inspiring journey for many, a burdensome load for others and for me...its an inspiring load that I would not want to give up.
The journey through motherhood is something I wish I could explain better to the unmarried and married not-yet-mothers. Questions range from queries into the pain of labour to is it a boy or girl (since my little boy has plaits) to how do you do it (since my eldest son is autistic and a pre-teen) to do you intend to stop after this one (since I am pregnant with a girl due April 2014).  Only one of the above mentioned questions have a clear-cut answer. The little one IS a boy.  Other than that, there is no answer that I can give that will fit the questioner like a glove. NONE.
We are all different. We will all have different experiences. We will all have different responses. Even though we may be like minded. Mother-hood will be different for all of us but not different enough to separate us.
I love my children, love the journey that  I have started with them. I love my baby in heaven who I never even got to meet on earth. And I will love all that come my way according to the will of God and my family life. ;)