As related to choices we make, livesd we live, there must be something we a willing to do, willing to sacrifice.
Since the last Friday...with my committing to choose life full of positive thoughts...there was revealed to be a need to be willing to sacrifice on the alter of self, my wicked, unholy, unbibilical thoughts about
- myself.
I will reach the place He wants me to reach...His grace is sufficient. I willingly believe.
I will go to where He wants me to go. He orders my steps. I willingly believe.
I will believe that I am fearfully made. Wonderful, Loved. Chosen and Willed into being by a perfect Love, a perfect God.
My choice is connected to my will.
Husbandman says I am self willed. I do not want to be.
Not my will but Thine is the place I seek to be. Submitted to the will of a perfect Love, a perfect Order, A perfect God.
It’s Five Minute Friday where a community of women gather to write for 5 minutes on 1 word. No editing, rethinking, backtracking – just get it out and on the page. Today’s word is CHOOSE. It isn’t easy but it’s so much fun. Join us.
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