
Monday 24 March 2014

Potty training battles...

I apologize for the little stint off without notice - combining the final week of of employment before maternity leave, packing to travel, and cleaning out and reassessing certain possessions then settling in another country for about a quarter of a year leaves you a tad swamped.

But I have been engaged in mother-hood throughout so let me update you all on the latest on Caribbean Mommy-hood.

POTTY training my two year old boy. Need I say more? I will anyway.

I do enjoy being called a tiger mom (I have the stretch marks to prove support the title) but fighting  battling my son to use the potty or the toilet is a bit much, you know?

Two examples of our clashes,
1. I observed him preparing to poo-poo and I got so excited that I ran to pull the potty for him and he immediately stood and shouted "No, Potty!" As a child who - like both his parents - has a childhood lisp, he was pretty clear then.  Anyhow, I told him that I knew he wanted to 'poo-poo' and he needed to use to potty and the battle ensued. It involved my haggling tricks to no avail, he squirming on the potty and in my hands and me getting annoyed. I lost that battle.
2. The moments when your son comes to you and says "Mommy, wanna poo-poo," is filled with excitement and the feeling that he finally gets it. Only. To. Realize. His idea of going to the potty to poo-poo is to take his diaper off, stand over the bowl, make the sound of urinating ("shhhhhhhhh" b.l), not going off in any form or fashion, using the toilet paper, flushing the empty toilet himself and looking at me with this huge accomplished grin. Yeah boy, you did something indeed. I am weak with disappointment (the let-down was a serious blow) and lost that battle from sheer emotional exhaustion.

I have too many stories like those above.

I was once referred to by dorm mates as determined and another word I have forgotten, but I know means that I do not stay down for long.  So by the grace of my loving God, I will continue to work with my son until the battle is won.

Do any of you have recommendations or stories about potty training your children, especially boys, that you think will help me or encourage another mother in the trenches reading this post? Please share.

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