
Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Mommy-hood Fails

Mommy-hood Fails
Lord, I have a tendency to over share (I think) but am going to share ten (10) fails of my time as a mommy. There are more than 10 if you ask my children, and I am sure I will continue to add to the number but as a friend used to say - "Don't judge, pray".

Mommy-hood fail #1 - Diaper Lost

One (or two) time(s), I let my child stay in the same disposable so long when I eventually checked it the padding was one soaking gel ball. Ok...this has happened more than twice but definitely less than ten. Good thing there were no #2s. #relief

Mommy-hood fail #2 - Hungry Child? Maybe.

I clearly remember a day I was so tired, so unwilling to go and shop that I fed my toddler cereal for every feeding. Of course not the same way - bottle, bowl, you know, presentation matters.  My older boy got bread and cheese with a beverage (hot for breakfast and that same beverage cold for lunch).  Thank God none of them are fussy.

Mommy-hood fail # 3 - Dental Health

There have been a few days (and I blame the fact that I am disorganized and doing my best to work on it) that I have gotten my toddler out of the bath without putting his toothbrush to function in that way it was made to.  I have left him to suck off the paste on other occasions.  SMH.

Mommy-hood fail # 4 - Home Clothes vs Going out (Church) clothes

In the Caribbean, we have home clothes and we wear them strictly at home only.  I have allowed my child to go to church in home clothes before. Hehehehe...hubby didn't even notice. I didn't feel guilty until I thought about what my mother would have said if she saw. :)

Mommy-hood fail # 5 - Bad Mommy

Taking my anger out on my child, going down the low road that makes me raise my voice at, "rough-up" or even punish my "baby-boo" for something he was completely innocent off.  Letting my big son be the receptacle of my anger towards my husband or with myself.

Will continue the other 5 next week. Can you relate to my fails? Feel free to add to the list in the comment box. :) Pray for me as I pray for you.  Bless you!


  1. Love your blog, keep up the good work. I can't relate yet to the fails lol, but i can't wait for the other five! (not that i'm rejoicing in your failure lol just enjoying a good honest read and knowing that you've had and will continue to have so much more A+ plus mommy success) Blessings!

    1. Thank you for the encouragement girl. I know you'll be good when the time comes. It is His grace that sees us through and remembering to extend grace to ourselves. :)

  2. I can realate to ALL except the church clothes. I have a girl so I cant slip that one by. Lol.

  3. Well now...I hope I get it together by the time the girl comes. :)
