
Tuesday 4 February 2014

My first born son turns two.

Today, the child that made me a mother turned two.

I have a two year old son.

I can barely believe it. Yet its hours of labour, a double dose of "inducing", a tangled umbilical cord and a short cry later, came "Tre".

He's a smart boy, with the flair for drama and provocation. He makes me laugh and has made me cry in frustration too. In the picture above, he has awakened to happy birthday and willing cheeses for the camera.

It is also this child that makes me so insecure
...well not him, but the role I have to play in his life. Its important to me that I lead him the Jesus, I train him well, and that the "manners and behaviour" my mother taught me was important be transferred with my family's own flavour.  He tests me, he hears and does not respond to my calls sometimes. His demonstrations of frustration is reflective of how free I wish I can be (isn't that pitiful on my part?) His rants also makes me annoyed and I feel the urge to spank him.  (I believe that the spared rod will spoil the child.) But, grace is necessary in all things.

I am expecting another child - a girl it appears on the screen - and Tre kisses my belly everyday. His love and his smiles help to ease my discomfort.  I pray that I get to celebrate more birthdays with him, that God blesses and keeps him and I also pray that I am faithful in my stewardship of the children I He entrusted me with.

"Happy Birthday Tre boy."

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